Over 90% of all overdoses occur when people use drugs alone, in their own spaces. Lifeguard App can save your life if you become unconscious or unable to function when using alone.
The app is activated by the user before they take their dose. After 50 seconds the app will sound an alarm. If the user doesn’t hit a button to stop the alarm, indicating they are fine, the alarm grows louder. After 75 seconds a text-to-voice call will go straight to 9-1-1, alerting emergency medical dispatchers of a potential overdose.
The Lifeguard App is an integral part of A Pathway to Hope, B.C.’s roadmap for making mental health and addictions care better for people in British Columbia. Implementing A Pathway to Hope is a shared B.C. government priority with the BC Green Party caucus and is part of the Confidence and Supply Agreement.
The Lifeguard App can be downloaded at both the App Store and Google Play.
Learn More at the Stop Overdose website.